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Tried – Tested – Proven

HR Wallingford – Product Testing our HydroMax Roof Drains for compliance with the performance requirements of BSEN 12056-3:2000

HR Wallingford – Testing our HydroTechnic analytical Design Software for compliance with the performance requirements of BSEN 12056-3:2000

Testing Mifab HydroMax Drains to ASME/ANSI  A112.6.9:2005

Construction Rainwater Drainage Consultancy Ltd.

  1. Testing of HydroMax Roof Drains to BS EN 12056-3:2000 and BS 8490:2007.
  2. Testing of Mifab HydroMax Drains to ASME/ANSI A112.6.9:2005
  3. Type Testing of Increase Diameters in vertical tail pipes to BS 8490:2007, Clause 8.5.2
  4. Type Testing of Increase Diameters in vertical tail pipes to ASPE Plumbing Engineering & Design Standard 45,
    Clause 7.10.3
  5. Testing of HydroTechnic analytical Design Software for compliance with BS EN 12056-3:2000 and BS 8490:2007
    (confrmed to have “unsurpassed accuracy”)
  6. Testing of Roof Drains for resistance to blockage for low maintenance

75mm Drain Tested to BS 8490:2007